Le Pain Quotidien

I have walked passed Le Pain Quotidien numerous times shrugging it off as a rustic looking bakery. How wrong was I? It turns out Le Pain Quotidien is a fantastic place to go for deliciously healthy salads, breakfasts, juices and sandwiches.

Le pain prides itself on it’s ingredients. The eggs and breads are all organic. They serve an all day menu with organic eggs and bread, so if like me, you love breakfast then you can have it whenever you choose.

The restaurants also have such a homely, relaxed and rustic feel, with large wooden tables. You feel you could stay there all day!

So let’s start with some of my favourite dishes. Well I have to start with the Detox salad! It contains quinoa taboule , raw vegetables, avocado and organic rapseed oil. I also add smoked salmon to mine for protein, and it is literally a bowl of delicious healthy and fresh ingredients.

detox salad le pain

Another of my favourite salads is the Atlantic Prawns and mango salad. It contains mixed leaves, avocado, and fresh mango. It was really delicious and the portions are big so you leave feeling fulfilled. The salads also come with organic brown bread on the side.

I also like the tuna nicoise salad, with mixed leaves, organic egg, olives, cucumber, radish, basil and mustard vinaigrette

tuna salad

They also serve tartines, which is like an open sandwich. Given my obsession with avocado and smoked salmon I love the Avocado Tartine which is avocado, white beans, lemon hummus and toasted seeds on again a side of smoked salmon for that winning combination of protein and fat. The bread is organic brown bread! I usually stay clear of bread, but brown bread provides fibre and hey we are all allowed a bit of bread every once in a while!


.chicken cobb

Chicken cobb Tartine

Le pain also serves juices, organic teas and coffee, and I think would cater for all different tastes and ages. Le pain is now one of my favourite restaurants and I think… Well in fact I know you will love it too xx

Interview with Nick Hounslow

Nick Hounslow is an A list celebrity trainer living in LA. Nick, originally from the UK, moved to America to pursue his modeling career, and has never looked back. He is now on the books of top modelling and talent agencies, is part owner of CycleHouse in LA, trains the likes of Nicole Kidman and looks damn good!! Lets see what this gorgeous man (who is also super nice and friendly) has to say about how we too can have the body of an A lister!

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How did you become a personal trainer?

After high school I decided to take a personal training course the summer before I started University. I had been training myself since I was 15 but wanted to know more about the human body and different ways to train. That same summer I became qualified spin, yoga and pilates instructors.
Your clients include A list celebs, how did this come about?

I’ve been modeling since I was 17 in London so through this industry you start meeting a lot of people. Added to that I was building a name for myself teaching my classes at CycleHouse in West Hollywood. I was approached by one A listers people to come ‘audition’ for the job as trainer. 6 years later I have developed an awesome client list traveling with many on TV and movie sets around the world getting them in shape for various roles.

nicole kClaire Holt and boyfriend go for lunch
What are your top tips for getting a lean, toned physique?

Commitment, dedication and changing it up.  The human body is incredibly smart. It quickly becomes used to one routine and needs to change to adapt, grow and change. This is where you can actually make it fun believe it or not. It’ s great excuse to break routine and go try out some new fitness class or physical activity you have never done or been too scared to even try. Added to the physical side of things is diet. It accounts for 75-80% of what your body feels and looks like.

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They say abs are made in the kitchen, what are your top diet tips?

Let me start by saying this. EVERYONE has a six pack. it’s true! It’s just a little more buried in some people than others. Diet is key. Body fat needs to be low to reveal a toned slender torso. My top 5 tips:

1 – Cut out the drinking … if that seems impossible just drink Fri and Sat. Keep it to lower sugar drinks (vodka soda, tequila lime soda. Wine and beer are the worst for sugar and worst on the waistline.

2 – Up the protein, reduce the carbs…that doesn’t mean no carbs…just keep them lower and stacked at breakfast and lunch. Your evening meal should be lean proteins and greens (veg&salads)

3 – Avoid eating after 730pm…you need to go to bed a little hungry and not stuffed full

4 –  Hydrate…keep drinking. Flushing the system and hydrating cells actually helps lean you out alongside giving you a lot more energy.

5 – Avoid the sugar…try to get your sugars from fruit and natural sources.

You live in LA, is the health and fitness scene very different over there?

I think LA is at the cutting edge of fitness. To me it is very different to London and the UK. However it IS changing which is so amazing to see. Even seeing smaller gyms and group fitness classes opening up in smaller towns and villages across the UK shows the growth and change in the health and wellness industry.

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Do you avoid any food groups?

I do my best to avoid dairy and wheat….although I am not perfect and have a weakness of sugar…particularly cupcakes haha. I go for a 90:10 balance. Everyone needs a cheat day during your week. Whats interesting though is once you have been off any food group you are sensitive to upon introducing it to your system again you feel how bad it can make you feel. It makes me not want to cheat as much. Listening to your body is key. It tells you when a certain food group is not good for you.

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Do you take supplements?

Currently I am taking no supplements apart from adding a hemp protein to smoothies I make at home.

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What does your weekly exercise routine look like?

I teach 9 spin classes a week…so my cardio is covered 🙂 Additionally I love to lift weights. For me it is alone time to unwind, listen to music and zone out.  I also have started Pilates classes twice a week to work on my posture. I try to make a hot yoga class twice a month to stretch out my entire body.

How often should we change up our exercise routine?

Every 4-6 weeks. Small changes. Just to keep the body guessing.

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You host classes at CycleHouse, can you tell me more about your classes and how it differs from other cycle classes?

We cycle in the dark. High intensity to great music. The class is between 50-55minutes long with the exemption of my 1000calorie class on the weekend which can be anywhere from 65-85mins. The energy is incredible. At cyclehouse we believe you go through it together as a group. Yes there are different levels of riders and different body types but EVERYONE can give it their all and feel 100% supported. We really build a camaraderie. It is so rewarding to watch friendships, relationships blossom from clients you have met in spin class not to mention seeing bodies change.

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Where do you like to eat out in London?

Beagle LOVE the decor and Sunday Roast

Q Grill

And if I’m feeling fancy and want sushi….Nobu in Mayfair

Where do you like to eat out in LA?

I love:

Yatai (sushi) on Sunset blvd

Lala’s (argentine grill) on Melrose Ave

Cecconis on Melrose Ave (amazing cocktails, Italian food & breakfast)

Osteria La Buca (Italian food, melrose ave)

Nobu, Malibu

Stout (great burgers!) in Hollywood

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 What does a day in the life of Nick look like?

My days are so varied which I love. If I am not shooting or on set then my typical Off and On days are as follows:

Day OFF:

Sleep in! Workout. Go to my auditions /castings. Head to the beach & chill, go to the movies, get a massage. I really try to unwind in my downtime.

Day ON:

Teach 6am & 715am spin classes, attend auditions/castings, train some clients, lift some weights, hit some more castings then perhaps another client, meet friends for dinner and crash to bed!

Any plans to open up a CycleHouse in London?

Watch this space! I’m coming for you London! 😉

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Interview with Kayla Itsines

Before you continue reading this article you need to go onto Kayla Itsines instagram page and take a look at Kayla’s clients body transformations, and trust me you will want to know more about this internet global sensation!

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Kayla is a personal trainer from Adelaide, Australia. Not only does she have an enviable lean and toned body of her own, but she helps others achieve it too. Kayla was inundated with requests to release an e-book after her followers demanded to know what she did to look so good. Kayla now has over one million Instagram followers, and has helped others achieve amazing results! So lets find out more Kayla….

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Where did your passion for fitness come from?

Once I graduated high school, I actually started studying beauty therapy. However, my love of sport and basketball lead to me to Personal Training, and that’s when I discovered how much I loved helping people to become healthier and happier! I have never looked back since, for me it was a great life changing decision. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

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Did you always have such an amazing body?

Definitely not. I had a really tough time at the beginning of high school. I was bullied for being “too skinny” and “weak” by my classmates. This is when I turned this negative energy from my peers into a positive lifestyle change for myself. I have trained researched for years to get my body to where it is today. Now I’m in the position where I can use this information to educate girls to feel happy and confident, like I do now!

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Cardio or strength training? Which do you think is more important? 

It’s so important to understand that both are vital. One training method will not surpass another as both have different benefits. In conjunction with recovery, there should be a balance between the two training methods.

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What annoys you? 

People who workout once and complain they don’t have an amazing body. It’s as simple as that.

kayla workout



What does your daily diet look like?

I believe that variety is really important in your diet, so I always try and change it up with what I eat. Despite this my days are quite structured so I generally do plan out what I’ll eat for the day, an average day would look like this:

Breakfast: Toast with poached eggs, avocado with fresh lemon juice, & spinach leaves plus a cup of berry herbal tea.

After morning shift: A piece of fruit

Lunch: Chicken wrap with homemade tzatziki, tomato, lettuce & onion.

Afternoon snack: Tuna & corn salad a piece of fruit.

Dinner:  My absolute favourite meal is a fluffy lemon & rice soup called Avgolemono, with chicken.

Evening: I always have a cup of tea in the evening




What is your top tip for losing & toning stomach fat? 

Like I say a lot of the time with most advice I give, be consistent! Keep up a regular training program as well as keeping your eating patterns consistent. Your body and your belly will love you for it!

Kayla 1


Get your bikini body guides here 

Interview with Rebecca Gentry

Personal trainer and fitness model, Rebecca Gentry, has trained a host of celebrities, worked with top fitness brands, and worked at Bodyism. However most importantly, she trains hard, she eats well, looks amazing and is so passionate about what she does. I was fortunate to interview the lovely Rebecca and find out all her health & fitness secrets…

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What advice would you give to those who want to get into the fitness industry?

Get your PT3 qualification with your chosen scheme but then never stop learning and expanding your thoughts, opinion and practises as the industry grows. Pick one or two key things which you are very good at and hone those skills to become awesome, the best: don’t be a jack of all trades!

What supplements could you not live without?

Sun Warrior Raw Protein Blend Chocolate flavour, Revolution Foods Superfruit Blend, Maca, Baobab and Moringa powder, Organic Burst Spirulina, Wheatgrass, Chlorella, Udo’s Oil to ensure I’m getting all of my essential omegas, Magnesium Taurate to help my body rejuvenate properly overnight, Vitamin D3 to keep me happy!!! I do like to take a milk thistle before bed if i feel very full or had a glass of wine.



What is your typical exercise regime?

I run 5km minimum every day, adding in a weights circuit 4 times a week upper and lower body and core, hot yoga at Fierce Grace at least 5 times a week – ideally everyday if I can fit it in. I also cycle everywhere now!!

What is a typical diet for you?

I try to have an 80:20 balance where i eat very well, ensuring my nutrition is awesome and providing my body with what it needs. my wonderful man bought me a great juicer so i make huge juices and have them in the fridge for snacks when I’m working adding in a supplement if i feel i need it. I don’t eat meat, but i do consume eggs and fish and adore experimenting with raw food concoctions. my go to meal would be coconut oil scrambled eggs with avocado and spinach and tomatoes home-marinated in olive oil and fresh basil. LUSH!

People often struggle to stay healthy when eating out, where are your favourite places to eat?

Coya and The River Cafe are my favourite London spots and both are insanely good for accommodating healthy food choices in a luxurious environment. My top brekkie spot when my man is in town is Granger & Co, we cycle there and back as they’re quite generous with portions!! For veggie or raw food Nama and Wild Food Cafe are un-miss able, I guarantee you will leave inspired to mix things up in your own kitchen.



What exercise clothing do you recommend?

I am a huge Nike girl, especially their running tights and sports bras which I find are reliable and comfortable, Lorna Jane activewear is my pretty kit for those gym and juice date days, and for some fun I am desperate to get some Onzie leggings into my yoga wear collection. The only shoes i wear to run in are Asics Gel 33 trainers but for strength or casual gym days I’ll rock the Nikes!!


Do you believe in being mind strong, as well as physically strong?

100%!! it is an ever giving circle – the more you work out the more endorphins you release which make you feel happy. With improved health and more than likely a happier vision of your own body people tend to become automatically more mentally strong and confident. The more you give the more you get back – stay strong and you are strong mind body soul and smile!!

Interview with Christiane Duigan

Christiane Duigan, also known as ‘Mrs Clean & Lean’ is the Director of Bodyfood at Bodyism and the face and body of the Clean & Lean diet books. Christiane lives and breathes the clean & lean lifestyle, cutting out C (Caffeine) R (Refined Sugar) A (Alcohol) P (Processed foods) and eats fresh, wholesome and seasonal foods, which detoxify and nourish the body.Christiane and her husband James Duigan (founder of Bodyism, author of Clean & Lean books) have just welcomed their second child, baby Leonardo into the world!   I wanted to find out all of Christiane’s diet and exercise tips for keeping clean & lean pre and post pregnancy!


1)  Congratulations on the birth of Baby Leo! How are you feeling?

Thank you! We’re very exciting to welcome Leonardo in to the world. I am now feeling well, but it isn’t always easy adapting and accepting all the constant changes going on in your mind and body.

2)  You have recently released a clean and lean pregnancy book can you tell us a bit more about it?

The guide is designed to make you feel supported and empowered during this amazing and challenging time. Women can get information on how to help boost their fertility, ensure they’re in the best possible shape before birth as well as reclaim their body afterwards. James has included everything a woman could need before, during and after pregnancy, from yoga poses to help boost fertility, stress-reducing foods to make conception easier, safe exercises for each stage of pregnancy and healthy dos and don’ts, to advice on dealing with morning sickness and cravings. The delicious Clean and Lean recipes are quick and easy to make and packed full of vitamins and minerals to nurture your body through every stage of pregnancy, whether you’re battling chronic morning sickness or fitting in a meal between baby’s feeds. A section on life post-baby includes getting enough sleep, recovering lost energy and how, gently, to get yourself back in shape and lose that ‘mum tum’. But it is just a guide – If you can only eat buttered white toast between your naps in bed… that is ok too!!


3)  Did your diet and exercise routine change when you were pregnant?

When you get pregnant, your instincts to love and protect your baby kick in straight away – so of course my initial idea what to eat and move well.

But the reality was very different. I was very sick and extremely tired – I had to lay in bed all day with buttered white toast and a bucket next to me! This initially felt really disappointing and naturally I started to worry about the health of the baby. But as time went on – the only thing to do was to accept and embrace what was happening to my body. It is the only way to be ok with the situation. This made me realise how lucky I was to be in perfect health before I got pregnant – that way my body had all the stores of nutrients it needed for my baby (even though it left me without!)

This of course improved as the pregnancy progressed – and the moment Charlotte was born, my cravings for delicious, nutritious, clean and lean foods came back instantly!

I do have a message for expecting mums and that is if you are not able to stick to healthy foods while you are pregnant – DONT WORRY! For 9 months – just don’t worry about it. Accept and embrace all the changes happening to your body while you grow your baby, the most precious thing you will ever have in your life, because post baby, you can eat normally again and you can get your body back!

4)  You regained your figure after giving birth to Charlotte, your first child. Do you have any advice for mothers who are trying to lose their baby weight?

As every mother – your body changes enormously while you’re pregnant. It’s a miracle what our bodies can do. I thought I would never get my body back – But 9 months after having given birth, my body was back to how it was before. I would say it takes 9 months to make a baby, 9 months to recover. The key is absolutely eating Clean and Lean. But more then that having a healthy and balanced approach to the way you eat.

This really hit home when I started weening Charlotte. Previously it was my breast milk that was keeping charlotte nourished and alive – and now it was the foods that I gave her that had to keep her healthy, nourished and alive!

I now see food as that – fuel that keeps us healthy or makes us sick! So with that in mind – I only choose the foods that make me feel good and as a result, my body responds and looks ok too!

Proper nourishment, mind set and movement is the key to a body you feel happy with. So I do a combination of training, yoga, pilates, massage and reflexology – all the things I love and am lucky enough to have access to at Bodyism.


5)  Do you have any tips for getting children to eat healthily?

When weaning your child – I found that introducing different foods early really helped and a lot of variety. Babies quickly get bored with the same foods so move on quickly once you’ve introduced something. There are so many ways to make children’s food tasty and interesting. For eg. Make chicken nuggets but coat the chicken in gluten free crumbs such as almond meal and bake them.. or use coconut oil. Children’s Clean and lean cookbook to come!!..

6) You have your own supplements range, which is your favourite?

It’s so hard to pick a favourite.. because I use them all! But If I could only take one – it would be Body Brilliance. This is the perfect blend of everything your body needs: protein (vegan), fibre, super greens and other herbs and minerals.


7)  Can you tell us what a normal day is like for you?

Here is a day out of my calendar when I’m in London: Take Charlotte to swimming class, Meeting with our new General Manager, Yoga, Cook lamb shoulder hot pot, Finish edits on the next book

8) Where are your favourite places to eat out in London?

My favourite breakfast and lunch spot is Granger & Co in Notting Hill and favourite dinner is Zuma

9)  What is your favourite cheat meal?

Anything warm, gooey and chocolatey!

10) You always come across so positive, how do you achieve this?

James always says ‘ a transformation that happens in your body, happens in your mind first’ I carry this philosophy in every aspect of my life – there is just no other way to be! Amazing things happen when you’re happy, positive and present to every moment.

11) What are your favourite beauty products?

At the moment i’m loving:

Georgia Louise – Cleanse + Heal Duo Balm

De Mamiel – Pregnancy oil

All body products by Mama Mio !

12) What are your top health tips, for those wanting to lose weight and get healthy?

Read Clean and Lean Diet!



When it come to supplements there are some staples that I  use every day and would highly recommend

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds are high in Omega 3, fibre and antioxidants. Chia Seeds are also high in calcium so great for bone and teeth strengthening. They are high in minerals and have been claimed to lower bad cholesterol . All in all a gut friendly fibrous seed! You can get different colours and sizes of seeds, but ensure you stick with either white or black seeds (not red). When the seeds are added to water they swell into a gel like substance, when this hits the digestive system it slows down the rate at which the digestive enzymes turn carbohydrates into sugar.

 Chia can be eaten completely raw. You can  Sprinkle it onto your breakfast ,  salads or smoothies.

I add it to my daily morning smoothie, soak it overnight in almond milk to make Chia Seed pudding and I also sprinkle it on to mashed banana on oat cakes. Available from Whole Foods, Planet Organic and most Health shops

Green powders

There are many versions of green powder you can buy, you can get wheatgrass, spirulina, Barley Grass plus you have all your powdered vegetables. They are all wonderful for you as they remove toxins from the blood and the body tissues, they are high in beta carotene, magnesium and amino acids. I use Amazing Grass Raw Reserve Powder, as it contains everything! A mixture of Algaes, Grasses and Sea Vegetables from the coast of Maine, like kelp and sea lettuce. Each ingredient in is completely raw, vegan and of the highest quality. Plus, each serving contains over 25 billion live probiotics. No wonder they call it Amazing Grass…

I add it to my daily morning smoothies, alternatively you can add it to a glass of water.


Think of a fruit high in Vitamin C- and you immediately think of oranges right? Well Baobab contains six times more vitamin C than oranges. Not only is Baobab high in Vitamin C, it boosts and supports the immune system, whilst increasing energy levels and maintains healthy blood sugar levels.

Think of a fruit high in Potassium, and you immediately think of bananas, right? Well baobab contains five times more potassium than bananas! Which is great for your heart, muscles and kidneys- as potassium helps your heart to beat, your muscles to move and your kidneys to filter blood!

I add mine to my morning smoothie.

I use Organic Burst Baobab, which you can pick up from most health shops.



Maca powder is made from a plant that grows in central Peru. It has been used in Peru for over 3000 years, the root is used to make medicine. Maca is great for increasing energy, endurance and stamina. It is also linked to sexual health- that got your attention didn’t it! Yes that is right it boosts fertility, hormones and sexual desire!

Again I get mine from the Organic Burst range, I put a teaspoon in to my morning smoothie and I also use it to cook with, making cacao and maca energy balls


Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen is made by honeybees, and is considered one of natures most nourishing superfoods, as it contains nearly all the nutrients required by humans, high in protein, amino acids and folic acid. Bee Pollen is great for enhancing energy and fighting fatigue. I could go on and on about all the amazing benefits, ranging from boosting the immune system to aiding digestion. I buy mine from Raw Living, but you can get this in all good health shops. Beware it is strong tasting so only use a little bit at first until you get used to it. Bee Pollen is best taken at meal times, especially with  fresh fruit (the fruit fibres reinforce the activity of the pollen). I throw mine in my morning smoothie with all my powders, seeds and fruit and veg.


Coconut Oil

Last, but in no way least is Coconut Oil. Coconut oil is one of the most diverse products I have ever come across. You can use it to cook, as a hair mask, a moisturiser, a make up remover. I even went to my chiropodist who said that they recommend it to their patients to use on their feet, if they have an infection. Apart from it being a wonder product, it is also so good for you. It helps the body fight infections, lowers heart disease, reduces appetite, boosts your metabolism, increases good cholesterol and  fat burning cells. It is also the best oil to cook with as Virgin Coconut oil is not chemically treated, and unlike other oils, such as Olive oil, it’s properties are not lost during the heat process. There are so many uses for this product, you will love it. I use Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, but there are so many good ones out there! Available in health shops and supermarkets

coconut oil

Interview with Millie Mackintosh

If you follow Millie on instagram or twitter, you will have noticed she is really into her health and fitness, posting amazing pictures of healthy dishes or tweeting about her workouts. She was recently on Celebrity Masterchef, where she demonstrated her culinary skills and is the new face of beauty brand NiP+Fab. Having seen Millie in the flesh it is clear to see why she is in demand, she has an amazing  figure… so what are her top tips for getting a toned body?

1) Where do you like to train?

I like to mix it up and do around five workouts a week, I do Paolas Body barre maybe twice a week, barrecore, hot yoga basics for an hour, weight training with Richard Tidmarsh at Reach Fitness and maybe one SBC class. Psycle is a great spin class I try to go to if I’m in soho for the day. Obviously not all of that in one week but those are the places I go and I’m always open to trying new things


2)- How often do you work out?

Four/Five times a week depending on how busy I am


3) What restaurants do you like eat out in?

I love The Good Life Eatery for a healthy brunch after a work out! For sushi I love Roka and for cheat night I love Italian, Locanda Locatelli is my favourite

4) What does a typical diet look like for you?

 I don’t diet, I eat clean in the week.. No wheat or dairy, no processed food, no fizzy drinks, nothing in batter.

Then on the weekend I eat whatever I feel like.. I love getting a breakfast burger or burrito on weekends from my farmers market


 5) After your MasterChef success, any plans to release a cookbook?

Maybe… I’ve got a lot in the pipeline, I love cooking and sharing recipes so it would be fun


 6) How do you like to relax?

I listen to classical music and take a bath. I also find yoga helps to calm my mind

 7- You look amazing! Do you have any top tips for creating a lean and toned body?

 Find a form of exercising you enjoy that way you will keep going back.. I think mixing up your workouts gives your body more of a challenge

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Thank you Millie for sharing with us some of your top health and fitness tips!




Ever fancied riding a bike in water? Well now you can! The Hydrobike is the new fitness revolution where you can work out on an exercise bike, which has been submerged in water whilst 20 power jets massage your legs, all in the comfort of your own private luxury room. Sold? The Americans and French certainly are- it proved a massive hit in France when it launched in 2011 and America soon followed suit, with hydro spinning classes popping up all over the states. However you don’t have to travel to experience this exercise phenomenon, Hydrofit is the first UK spa to house the Hydrobike.


 The Hydrofit Spa is situated in Fulham, about a ten minute walk from Fulham Broadway tube station. The Spa also has a juice barnutrition & fitness experts, and a range of relaxing spa treatments.

So what’s the fuss all about? The Hydrobike benefits include:

 Reduced Cellulite

Detox effect

Toning of legs

Burns 300- 500 calories in 30 minutes

Improved Cardiovascular

Weight loss

Improved circulation and lymphatic system

As you enter the spa, you are met by friendly staff, who will show you downstairs to your individual pod, or your duo pod (Two people in the same room in two separate pods). They leave you to get undressed in to your swimming costume, once ready, they will then instruct you on what to do and what to expect. They input your details into the system, so all you have to worry about is cycling. There is a TV system with headphones, and a Bluetooth headset for private phone calls. I did the duo Hydrobike with a friend, and it was a really nice way to catch up, whilst getting your exercise in.


As you sit on the bike, the cabin begins to fill up with water up to your waist, the water is room temperature. As the water first enters it might feel slightly cold, but after a few minutes of exercise, you soon warm up. You can monitor how fast you are going and what distance.  The time flew, it was a great way to burn calories, without realising how hard you are working.


Once the time is up, the water will begin to drain and the staff will come in and help you get out of your pod. There are showers, products and towels available in your room. However one of the benefits of this exercise, is your hair doesn’t get wet, no chlorine is used and there is no need to remove your makeup if you don’t want to, as your top half doesn’t get wet.

I found this to be such a simple and fun way of exercising. I personally loved the fact that you could work out with a friend. I also think it would be great for people to do in their lunch break, and not have to worry about getting their hair wet or having to re-do your make up. It would also benefit those with joint/muscular pain, as you are not applying any pressure to your joints. Overall this a great lower body workout, which burns calories whilst attacking cellulite, relaxing and massaging the muscles. All the results without the effort!

A 30 minute session costs £30 and a 45 minute session costs £40.

There will also be a  Hydrojogger available soon, where you can walk/run in water. This is coming within the next few months and I will definitely be back to check this out!

Thank you Hydrofit for a great experience! Go and check it out!

Paola’s Body Barre

If you haven’t heard of Paola Di Lanzo and her PBB studio- then it is a good job I am here! Paola’s Body Barre is the hottest and one of the toughest workouts to hit the fitness scene. Calgary Avansino recently stated it was one of her favourite workouts, Millie Mackintosh recently tweeted about it and Amanda Byram is a regular visitor to PBB. I have been going to PBB for a month now and I wanted to write this review now, rather than just after one class, as change doesn’t happen after one class, it takes four weeks to notice a change in your body.

So one month in I am noticeably stronger, fitter, my butt is far more toned and I have worked muscles I wouldn’t normally work. The PBB classes are different from other barre classes as they also incorporate a high level of cardio, seriously you will be sweating after every class. I have written notes after each class of how I was feeling, it is funny now looking back at the notes from my first class, here are a few snippets..

‘About 10 minutes in to the class I began to question my fitness levels’

‘I looked around me and noticed the other girls in the class seemed to have amazing stamina, I soon realised they were regulars’

‘That was one of the hardest workouts I have experienced’

The first time I tried PBB, I thought it would be similar to other barre classes, but it was a lot faster paced. You are straight into it, there are no long periods of rest, it is full on! Just when you think you can’t do anymore, Paola throws another set at you, or adds a weight in, but at the end of each class you will feel amazing, as you did it, you pushed your body, and each time you do it you feel stronger and fitter!


PBB is based in Fulham. Paola has been in the industry since she was twenty one years old, working with celebrities, models & executives. After having her first child, she found her routine of running and weights were just not making the changes she wanted to her body, so she trained in Pilates and created a programme which combined Pilates with cardio. Having practiced ballet from a young age, she also decided to train in barre and voila three children later she has a body to plié for! For more on Paola click here

The studio is fitted with two barres, TRX’s, and has all the equipment you need. The studio is really nicely done, it is actually next door to Paola’s house, so it has such a nice homely feel to it. The studio’s classes range from Barre, Dynamic Pilates , TRX Core, Jivamukti Yoga, FitCamp Ballerina, TRX Kettlebells and many more. So a whole range of workouts which all complement each other! Trust me you will need the yoga after the Barre and Barre Dynamic Pilates. The trainers all specialise in their field, so you will get a lot out of the classes.



So back to the classes and what you can expect… The PBodyBarre signature is one of my favourite classes. Filled with isometric exercises (small pulsing repetitive moves) and clever positioning that just work and burn muscles you never knew existed! Paola physically corrects your positioning, to ensure you are maximising the burn. It is full on, using the barre plus weights/a pilates ball/a pilates ring and your body weight to raise your heart rate and burn fat. I also love the Barre- Dynamic Pilates Core class, which is a fusion of Pilates, Barre and core, again this is a real fat burner, and it is a good introduction if you have never done barre before.

One of my favourite non barre class is Jivamukti Yoga with Melody Hekmat. This class focuses on chanting, breathing, vinyasa flow sequences (a flowing, dymanic form of yoga where postures are linked together by using breath) and meditation. Melody is hands on and will re-position you and really get you focused on your breathing. Each exercise you are constantly stretching and toning your body. The big focus on your breathing is great, as it transports oxygen into the lungs and the blood which helps to eliminate toxins, boost circulation and de stress the mind and the body. At the end of the session Melody massages your neck and back and all you have to think about is your breathing, you leave the class feeling so balanced and calm, it is amazing.

Another favourite is the TRX Core class with Paddy Colman. This class was much more harder than I expected. The class started off with circuits on the floor, which ranged from one armed burpies to jumping squats. Once our heart rate was up we then moved on to the TRX where Paddy created a range of exercises where we had to use our own body weight to perform the moves and our core to stabilise. This is definitely one for strengthening your core!

After you finish training there are an array of healthy snacks and drinks from Punch Foods, Rebel Kitchen, The Retreat Café and Organic Burst powders. PBB also sells yoga mats, socks and SukiShufu workout gear…which I have been eyeing up for the past four weeks!

Overall, I loved working out at PBB. I loved the variety and intensity of the classes and the amazing trainers, particularly Paola. I love that my fitness has improved whilst toning and strengthening my body in just under four weeks.

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The classes start at 7am and there are a variety of classes throughout the week and on Saturday’s. Paola is currently offering an amazing deal of £40.00 for unlimited classes for a month for new members,  whilst also offering private training sessions.

I promise you will love it!

Visit http://www.paolasbodybarre.com/ or email paolasbodybarre@yahoo.co.uk for more information


I love a rooftop bar and Selfridges so when the two were combined I knew I had to go and check it out. You go up in the lift to the 5th floor. You are welcomed with fake grass everywhere! You enter into the restaurant, where there is a long bar and outdoor seating area. The restaurant and bar are covered by a retractable roof in case the sun doesn’t come out to play!

Rooftop Bar

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Rooftop Restaurant

This is no normal restaurant, it is Q, a pop up sister restaurant to Des McDonald’s popular Q Grill restaurant, in Camden. Des McDonald is a  former Chief Executive of Caprice Holdings (The IvyJ Sheekey etc.)  and is also the man behind  Holborn Dining Room and The Fish & Chip Shop in Islington.

The pop up is open from 22nd May- 27th September, and they serve an all day menu, which has been described by Des McDonald as “ juices, pastries and coffees for breakfast followed by light grills, superfood salads, savouries and afternoon tea. We even have our friends JJ Fox on our cigar terrace

There is a classic or sugar free afternoon tea available. The desserts are from Daisy Lowe’s new cookbook which are all dairy, gluten and refined sugar free. They also have a pop up juice bar from The Juicery! So much goodness from one place!

The bar is nice for after work drinks, or mid/post shopping, The view is not as good as other rooftops in London, but it is a pleasant experience. I was really impressed with the food and the healthy menu, which caters for all. I went in the evening and had the Grilled sea bass, spiced chickpeas, heritage tomato, which was so fresh and tasty. It was nice and light as I was not overly hungry. The starters also looked great, I have my eye on the Peppered tuna, wasabi avocado, lime caviar, or the Q smoked beets, kiln roast salmon, horseradish starters for next time.

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As I am about to post this I have seen that Russell Bateman, the man behind SBC, has announced he is going to host a pop up SBC class here… time to head back up top the 5th floor I think!
